Welcome to the Swedish EV Network

This website is just getting started – please find some information below, more soon!

If you’d like to join the Swedish EV Network and receive relevant dates, please sign up through this form.

What is the Swedish EV Network?

In 2022, the Swedish EV Network (SweSEV) was (re-)established with the aim to connect Swedish EV Researchers, and to ultimately facilitate the organization of future events and the participation in European grants. Another purpose is to have a contact point to communicate with other national societies.

What is ExoZoom?

ExoZoom, an joint online journal club, was started independently in February 2022 by different labs at Karolinska Institutet (Susanne Gabrielson group) and Linköping University (Maria Lerm and Maria Jenmalm groups). Shortly after that, the Martin Hallbeck group (LiU), and later on, the Samir El Andaloussi lab joined in. 

What’s the connection?

In 2023, ExoZoom became a platform for SweSEV and both initiatives were ‘united’. The idea is to have a regular meeting space (ExoZoom) providing a common platform for Swedish EV researchers to talk about science, and discuss the future of the Swedish EV network.

If you’d like to join and receive updates about the Swedish EV Network and ExoZoom meetings, please sign up through this form.

In case of any questions or ideas, please reach out to us! Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best wishes,
Lina Tingö, LiU (lina.tingo@liu.se)
André Görgens, KI (andre.gorgens@ki.se)
Dorival Mendes Rodrigues Junior (dorival.mrj@imbim.uu.se)